Why Massage therapy?


Massage therapy represents one of the most relaxing and health-beneficial treatments a specialist can offer a patient’s body. Chiropractic massage therapy stimulates the circulatory system, reduces tension in tight muscles, as well as provides numerous other health benefits including nervous system function improvement.

Many of our patients at Lakes Rehab listen to our suggestion for chiropractic massage therapy and often feel that it only serves as a glorified back rub. However, our chiropractic therapists focus on multiple areas of the body that also store stress including the arms, feet, hands, knees, and elbows.

Through chiropractic adjustments, specialists can alleviate pain and improve spinal health.


Meeting Our Patients’ Individual Needs


A chiropractic massage from Lakes Rehab is customized specifically to meet our patients’ unique individual needs and provide far more than simple relaxation. Although relaxation offers numerous health benefits in its own right, chiropractic massage therapy offers you :

✓ Muscle Tension Relief
✓ Regenerative stimulation
✓ Range of Motion Restoration

At Lakes Rehab, you will find a team of committed specialists with a goal to help you return to a natural state of preeminent health.

We additionally treat patients that were injured in auto accidents 


    Chiropractic Care
    • Chiropractic Care
    • Massage Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Others